Friday, January 10, 2014

thread eye brows

Way too often, we go to great lengths to highlight our features and our unbridled enthusiasm causes us to overdo it with devastating effects. While pursuing moderation in everything is the key for successful and happy living, there is nothing wrong in trying to enhance our natural beauty. Emphasizing the eyebrows is something that women do on a daily basis, but there are some techniques which deliver powerful results without the hefty price tag of a cosmetic treatment.
The first instinct when we hear about waxing our eyebrows is to frown because there is a certain degree of pain involved in the process. Progress and beauty sometimes require sacrifices, but if there is a way around it, then we owe it to ourselves to pursue every lead. Threading the eyebrows is something that not many women do these days, and that’s not because the technique is revolutionary or untested, quite the opposite. For centuries, women from all over the world resorted to this procedure which is neither painful nor complicated and delivers great results time after time.
DIY Eyebrow-threading
If you are a fan of do-it-yourself products and don’t mind getting your hands dirty to save money and time, then you will probably love the concept. The process is less painful than waxing and the main advantage is that you don’t need to be highly experienced to achieve outstanding results. Undesired hair is pulled over in one clean sweep, which translates into less time spent implementing this beauty technique.

Check Out The Video On How To Thread Your Eyebrow The Proper Way

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