Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hair lossssss

Reasons for Hair Loss:
  • Hereditary conditions
  • Stress
  • Medical conditions such as anemia and autoimmune diseases and thyroid disorders
  • Cancer
  • Scalp infections
  • Skin conditions like psoriasis, dermatitis
  • Pregnancy
  • Certain hairstyles which causes traction on the hair
  • Hair-pulling disorder
  • Menopause
  • Medications
1Wash and Massage with Cold water 
One of the most effective remedies for hair loss is giving your scalp a massage after washing your hair with cold water till the scalp tingles. This activates the oil gland and pump the blood circulation of your scalp making the hair grow healthy.
2Onion Juice:
Onions are rich sources of many nutrients such as vitamin C, Vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, Potassium, germanium and most importantly Sulphur. Onions cleanse your scalp making it free from dirt and other microbial infections. Onions increase blood circulation in your head boosting hair growth activity at that spot.
Here are few Onion mask remedies that will revive and restore your hair. You will see results from the first use , but your hair is expected to grow for about 2 inch with a one month treatment.
Mask 1:
1/4 onion
3 cloves garlic
1/4 serrano pepper
1/8 C Apple Cider Vinegar
1/8 C water
Application: Blend all ingredients in the blender, then strain. Apply to scalp daily for at least 20 minutes, then rinse well.
Mask 2:
1 medium onion
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp olive oil
Application: Mash onion, squeeze the juice and mix the onion with the oil and the honey. Apply to scalp once a week , and massage for a minute, then rinse you hair after one hour.
Mask 3:
1/2 onion
3 tablespoons coconut oil
Application: Squeeze the juice of the onion and mix with the coconut oil. Apply the mixture to scalp once a week, and leave for at least 3 hours. Rinse well
Tips to using the onion mask:
  • Leave the mask on for as long as you can so the ingredients can penetrate your hair follicles.
  • Massage the scalp for at least one minute, to allow blood circulation.
  • Wash your hair with vinegar solution to get rid of the onion smell. ( 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar or normal vinegar in a litter of water). Vinegar promotes blood circulation in small capillaries that irrigate the skin.
  • Use the mask continuously for at least a month for effective results.
3Coconut Oil
Coconut oil stimulates hair growth getting deep into its follicles. It prevents hair breakage and split ends, contributing to hair length while slowing down hair loss.
Grab some coconut oil and warm a bit in a microwave. Make sure the temperature is warm but bearable enough before applying it over your scalp and hair. Then you should comb it through the hair, so that to reach every strand. Massage it into the scalp, leave it overnight and wash in the morning with shampoo.
4Juiced Lettuce-Spinach Leaves
Grab enough spinach leaves and lettuce and blend them to make a juice. Drink ½ liter of this mixture every day. This mixture promotes faster growth of hair.
5Lime Seeds and Black Pepper
Lime seeds and black pepper combination are found to be effective in covering small bare patches on your scalp. – Just make a paste using the ingredients and massage balding areas.
  • Powder the dried lime seeds and add this to fresh grounded pepper powder.
  • Mix these powders with small amount of water to make it a smooth paste.
  • Apply in the areas of your scalp where you feel hair loss is prominent and massage it to rejuvenate your scalp.
  • Repeat this process once a week to see hair growth in the affected area.
6Aloe Vera Juice And Neem Paste
  • Extract fresh juice from the aloe vera plant and add dried neem leaf powder to this juice.
  • Mix it well and add a few drops of herbal amla oil to this mixture.
  • Now apply this mixture on your scalp and hair evenly so that it reaches every nook and corner.
  • Keep it on the scalp for half an hour and then wash it off.
  • Repeat this once or twice a week to enjoy lustrous hair.
7Fenugreek Seeds
Boil 2 cups of water and add 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds. Let it simmer for 10 minutes and soak overnight. Grind the mixture to make a paste and apply the paste on your scalp. Leave it on for about 40 minutes. Rinse with water. Do this for a month.
8Castor Oil – Almond Oil Mix
These two oils are great home remedies for falling hair.
Blend equal parts of castor oil and almond oil. Gently massage the mixture into your scalp and wrap your hair with a hot towel or shower cap for better effect. Let it sit for 30 minutes or longer. Do this twice a week to see results.
9Coconut Milk
Coconut milk has rich properties of nourishing hair tissues and it can help replenish the lost nutrients of the hair and foster hair growth.
  • Apply this coconut milk generously on your hair and scalp and leave it on the hair for 20-30 minutes.
  • Massage your scalp with the coconut milk.
  • This will effectively help in preventing hair fall.
  • Apply coconut milk on the scalp once every week to see results.
10Live a healthy lifestyle
Eat iron-rich food such as apples, beetroot and jiggery. Increase fibers in your diet as well foods rich in vitamin E, copper, zinc and vitamin B complex . Get enough sleep, rest.
11Avoid Junk Foods
Unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits can also lead to hair loss. So, refrain from eating junk and oily foods. Make sure to keep hydrated by increasing your water intake to eliminate toxins from your body. Moderate exercise is recommended to improve blood flow and scalp.

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