Monday, December 30, 2013

Black heads a problem

Blackheads. Just the word itself gets people riled up. If you suffer from them, you’ve likely been fighting a never-ending battle. There’s a slew of products out there that claim to banish blackheads, but which method is really the best? (Right now, you may be thinking you already know the most obvious and fastest way to get rid of them. Just extract with your fingers. Yeah, don’t do that.)
Blackheads go by the medical term ‘open comedones, they represent a tiny skin opening (pore) which is plugged at the surface of what is called the pilosebaceous unit. This plug made up of sebum (oil) and dirt, has an open top so you can ‘look into it which’ makes it appear black. And, unfortunately, they are just are a little more visible on some of us than others. The appearance of blackheads varies based on many things including age, skin care regimen, hormone status and heredity. 

Once you’ve found the approach that works best for your skin type, sticking with a routine is half the battle.

  • Wash your face with an exfoliating face cleanser. Scrub in circular motions, paying particular attention to the area in which you have deep blackheads. This will help remove the dead skin that keeps the blackheads trapped in your pores. 
  • Fill a large pot with hot water and place on the stove. Turn the burner on high, and wait for the water to boil. Remove the pot from the burner, and put your face close to the steam. Take care not to burn yourself. Place the towel over your head from the back to keep the steam on your face. The steam will help to loosen the blackheads and make them easier to remove. Stay in the steam for 10 minutes.
  • Mix 2-3 tsp of baking soda and gradually add mineral/distilled water to make a paste. Apply the baking soda paste and gently massage into your entire face, and let it sit for 10 minutes. The baking soda will help draw impurities out of the skin, including the dirt and debris from blackheads. Rinse well with warm water to remove the paste.
  • extractor
  • Sterilize the comedone extractor by placing it in boiling water for 5 minutes. Position the loophole of the comedone extractor carefully around your blackhead. Apply firm pressure to the comedone extractor until the infected contents of the blackhead open up within the center part of the loophole. Clean the affected area using an antiseptic cream or toner after you have removed all your blackheads with the comedone extractor.
Do not squeeze blackheads, as this can cause painful, deeper sores. Do not use your fingernails to pick at blackheads since bacteria from your nails can cause infection.

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